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Should you lease or buy a new Lincoln?

Many car lovers undergo a rigorous process in determining their preferred vehicle type and road to ownership. This behavior leads to various questions buts one resonates at the top of the list. Should you lease or buy a new Lincoln? Prospective purchasers should not stress over this question and instead look at the ultimate prize, you are driving home in a new Lincoln. Making the decision though should encompass some basic questions that can help you make the decision in going right or left.

should you lease or buy a new Lincoln?
Should you lease or buy a new Lincoln? If you commute a significant distance on a daily basis, every turn of the odometer should be considered. One might think that accumulating excessive mileage might exceed the mileage cap associated with a lease, but that is not always the case. Lease terms can be negotiated, so you can increase the cap. It does not have to be just 10,000-miles per year. One might be able to establish a 20-mile cap and still fall under it at the end of the year. This can prove ideal as it would allow for another new car purchase every two to three years through the leasing option. If your mileage accumulation far surpasses 20,0000 per year, the lease might not be the best road taken. Long distance travelers like consultants who work out of state might shy away from the leasing option and stick with the tried and true purchase action. With no mileage cap to consider, some stress might be relieved. One should keep in mind that long-distance driving will endure great wear and tear on the vehicle. Balancing vehicle life with loan duration should also be processed. While the decision might seem grand, assessing basic driving habits like mileage can help guide you in the right direction. 

Should you lease or buy a new Lincoln? Credit Rating Decides

Credit is a precious commodity when purchasing a vehicle unless you are lucky to pay with cash outright. That process rides high with other dreams and does not happen as often as we might hope to see. So for those who plan to finance through purchase or leasing, the credit score should be reviewed. A lease option typically draws upon more stringent credit requirements. For those suffering with questionable credit and who have turned the ship around, creative financing options through purchasing might be the better route taken in making Lincoln ownership a reality. 

New Vehicle Rotation

Should you lease or buy a new Lincoln? If you are the driving type that prefers a new vehicle with the latest technology, then the leasing is for you. With the typical lease term being two years, the Lincoln leaser can have the latest and greatest every few years. For those who cannot decide with certainty between each model, the lease option allows for relatively quick testing of each every two or three years. With Lincoln producing masterpieces at every turn, naming a favorite seems quite difficult to do. Leasing allows the driver to move into a new model on a much quicker basis.  

The Long Haul
Should you lease or buy a new Lincoln?
Lincoln loyalists who practice a more conservative and frugal approach to personal finance will more than likely take the traditional route. Once that four-year note comes to term, purchasers can continue to drive their Lincolns for another extended period of time and relish in the savings of no longer paying a note. With Lincoln offering the absolute best in automotive engineering, reliability, and design, it is conceivable to say that their vehicles can far surpass the term of their loans. While one might not experience the latest and greatest in technology every few years, the money saved on no car note and Lincoln’s reliability build wealth down the road. To learn more about Lincoln’s purchase and lease options, contact Baldwin Lincoln at 1730 N Hwy 190 Covington, LA 70433.