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Mardi Gras Parade Route Essentials Near New Orlean

The carnival season is upon us and Baldwin Lincoln not only reigns as the premier auto dealer but also your vital information hub for everything Mardi Gras. Paired with an experience of successfully navigating the carnival season, Baldwin provides the Lincoln Navigator and other models to transport drivers and passengers with their Mardi Gras parade route essentials near New Orleans. Look no further as this dealership is an authority on much more than just vehicles.

Keeping it Chill

Mardi Gras parade route essentials near New Orleans
The Mardi Gras parade route essentials near New Orleans must focus on preserving food and beverage. The Mardi Gras commitment includes hitting the parade route early and leaving late. A re-charge is a necessity as is the ice chest needed to keep those items cool. Whatever the beverage of choice might be, chances are it is more satisfying with a frosty chill. When making the selection on ice chest brand and size, keep in mind the travel route from the parking space to the coveted vantage point. For those long treks, an ice chest with wheels and a convenient handle makes transport as satisfying as driving Lincoln’s Corsair. While the ice chest might need to be purchased at Academy Sporting Goods, Baldwin Lincoln can meet the vehicle need.

Mardi Gras Parade Route Essentials Near New Orleans: Headquarters Central

Even with a good set of wheels and a long handle, traversing the crowds during a parade can be downright daunting. While that food and beverage transporter is a necessity, it does not corner like the Lincoln Nautilus. Initiative-taking planning can avoid crushing toes and angering the party-goers. Find that parade viewing location and stake the claim early. Being there for the long haul, parade celebrators should outfit it with the comforts of a backyard BBQ. Comfortable chairs, convenient tables, and towering ladders are all mechanical necessities for viewing and enjoying every parade. It might sound like a bundle of goods that can only be carried by trailer, but the Lincoln Navigator can carry all those items, along with an abundance of passengers. Now the Navigator adds one more bullet point to the list of its capabilities, the ultimate parade-seeking vehicle.

New Shoes

The Mardi Gras parade route essentials near New Orleans include a good pair of shoes. With the walking, jumping, and even running to catch up with a friend in disguise on a float, a good pair of shoes will make the day so much more enjoyable. They can be as capable as any Lincoln vehicle and as luxurious as the Lincoln Black, but they need to carry the weight of a long and exhausting day. Nothing worse looms as parade rebels hobble back to their modes of transport with crippling difficulty.

Pride in Colors

Mardi Grass Parade route essentials near New Orleans
Any respectable Mardi Gras fanatic knows the true colors of the season must prevail. While we do not recommend it for the Lincoln Aviator or any other vehicle choice, Mardi Gras lovers must sport purple, gold, and green. Vibrant stripes and loud attire are the uniform of choice. To do it with an advanced sense of style in the Baldwin Lincoln fashion, don the crawfish. A partnership between Perlis Mardi Grad wear and Lincoln parade group transporting SUVs only enhances the Mardi Gras experience. To learn more about Lincoln’s Mardi Gras vehicles of choice, contact Baldwin Lincoln at 1730 N Hwy 190 Covington, LA 70433.